Sales Information

At Precision Coils, we are happy to help with your replacement HVAC coil selection and provide pricing information.

For assistance, call 888-921-COIL (2645) or contact the following individual(s) directly:

Technical Assistance & Sales




Jim Leeds

(256) 651-6176

Megan Sutton (731) 443-1868
Nicholas Sprowso (731) 443-2625


Precision Coils Contact List


For information on our Warranty, Terms and Conditions of Sales, and Purchase Order Procedure click on the appropriate link.


"A big THANK YOU from ourselves and the HVAC contractor in the furnishing of 130-cooling coils (all high pressure and 8-rows deep) for Phase 2 at the Chase Bank in Chicago. Not one complaint and a big labor savings with the factory cooperation. Truly a record to be proud."

Ronald Hillman
Hillco Distributing Company
Schiller Park, IL